*Save the Date: 2025 Legislative Session White Coat Day will be on Wednesday, January 29th.*
GAMA gives you a voice in the legislative policymaking process, and the ability to affect change in Albuquerque and at the State Capitol.
Annually the Greater Albuquerque Medical Association partners with the New Mexico Medical Society for White Coat Day at the State Capitol.
The most recent White Coat Day at the State Capitol was held on January 24th, 2024 and brought together more than 60 physicians from across the state to advocate on behalf of medicine and their patients.
The presence of white coats at the Roundhouse made a significant difference during the 2023 and 2024 Legislative Sessions.
Attendees are briefed on the relevant issues and legislators by GAMA staff and our contract lobbyist. Attendees then attend relevant committee hearings where members can listen and provide valuable feedback to members on issues that affect the practice of health care in New Mexico.